#3 – Psychic Intrusion by Spirits or Other Dimensional Beings

by Thomas Zinser Ed.D.

In Soul-Centered Healing (SCH), the second category of phenomena frequently involved in healing is the intrusion or interference by spirits or other dimensional beings whose presence or activities are causing problems for my client.

I cannot tell you all the kinds of beings that exist at different levels of consciousness and reality. I do know in working with some clients that there are outside entities involved (or were) and who are negatively impacting my client in significant ways. In the healing process, these beings are able to communicate directly, through the client, using an hypnotic technique called ideomotor signaling. Some are souls, some are not. They are involved with humans, it seems, for different reasons. In my experience, some are after energy, and others seek knowledge. Some try to lay claim to my client’s soul dating back lifetimes. Some are just earthbounds that attached to a client after their own body died. There are abductions, and it’s not always clear whether it was a physical or psychic abduction. Finally, for this list, there are also evil spirits who very intently seek power and control over other souls.


From a clinical point of view, these beings or entities generally fall into one of three categories: 1) those who are present and engaged with a client in order to assist them; 2) those who are present for the purpose of exploiting the client in some way that is detrimental to his or her well-being; and 3) those spirits or entities who are present with a client out of confusion, affection, or ignorance. The first we don’t have to worry about; they’re the good guys. The third can usually be dealt with easily. It’s the second category, those that have been exploiting the client, that do the greatest harm and present the greater challenge in removing. They are also the ones who usually wish to remain hidden and keep their activities a secret.

Fortunately, we do not have to know all about each of these spirits and entities in order to remove them or sever their connections with a client. The primary aim in SCH is not to try to understand them and classify them. This is important, but it’s secondary. When spirits or entities are interfering with a client, the primary is to identify their point of access and close it off. This access point is a type of permission and most often occurs at unconscious levels. These entities cannot just waltz into a person’s life and psyche. There are rules. They must have an “okay,” a “yes”, at some level of the person in order to carry out their activities. The rule is that if the permission is withdrawn, the outside spirit or entity must disengage. And they do. The aim in SCH is to find that yes access and switch it to a no. To use a metaphor from my book, we’re not trying to get all the keys back, we’re just changing the locks.

The effect on a person by the intrusion of these outside entities can range from negligible to profound. One may have no conscious awareness of them, others can be hounded by them. It depends on the kind of spirits or entities involved, what their intentions are, what they’re after, and how extensive their access is to the soul/person. This really can only be determined on a case by case basis.

Next: Energy Healing


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  1. Pingback: The Higher Self * Bridge Between Soul and Self « Silk Road Visions
    1. Dear Carol,

      I’m just ending a visit to London where I’ve had the opportunity to present my work. So, I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for your recent review of my book and your several comments on my blog posts. It is certainly rewarding to hear when someone with your experience offers such corroborating support. Wishing you all the blessings of the Light. Tom Z

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